Despite of all the challenges in life, all the rough times and the hard lessons I had to endure, I am not afraid to experience joy! My Divine Mother Oshun continues to shine on me and remind me who I am as a strong man of greatness and kindness. I give thanks to Olodumare, Oshun and Shango for blessing me with a gift to express myself through my art. Art is the blueprint of myself. We as Artists are all creators; we have to greatest ability to create and develop this world into a beautiful place.

Mom, 11x17, Digital Paint
To my beloved Mother who has brought me into this world, I will always love you; thanks for everything! To my beautiful daughter, my precious Diamond, you are the reason why I live and create. Everything that I do in this world, I do for you. And I have said to you before, I will always have your back no matter where you are! You continue to inspire me and may Oshun continue to watch you and see you grow!

This is a new piece I did last Monday. I hope that you all feel refreshed and clean! lol!

After-Shower Gel, 11x17, Digital Paint
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